For many, juggling a full-time job, raising a family, and pursuing further education may seem like an insurmountable challenge. But for Cleonie Rebelo, (Deputy Pathology Quality Manager ESTH), these were hurdles she was determined to overcome. After years of perseverance, she has officially completed her Master’s degree in Healthcare Quality Management with Distinction — a remarkable achievement that stands as a testament to her dedication and resilience.
Category | Immunology and PRU |
Reporting frequency | Weekly |
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St Georges Hospital – please call the Immunology laboratory on ext 0025 to arrange for warm blood tubes to be brought to the phlebotomist.
Croydon/Kingston Hospital – please call pathology to collect pre-warmed tubes.
St Helier Hospital – please collect pre-warmed tubes from pathology reception.
External laboratories – please send a serum sample and a plasma sample (2ml of each) where the samples have been collected into pre-warmed blood tubes and maintained at 37C by a verified method during sample transport, clotting and separation. Samples can be sent at ambient temperature.
Additional information
The laboratory looks for the presence of a cryoprecipitate at 7 days and interprets the results in the context of the IgG, IgA, IgM, C3, C4 and rheumatoid factor concentrations and protein electrophoresis results. Any cryoprecipitate is analysed to determine what it consists of and the cryoprotein type will be reported.
Quantification of the cryoprecipitate by cryocrit is not done routinely and is not generally necessary, but can be done on special request after discussing with the Immunology Consultants on 0208 725 5106.
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