Maximillian Habibi is a full-time Consultant in Clinical Infection at St George’s Hospital. His role includes the care of hospitalised patients with community-acquired infection, tuberculosis, and HIV-related opportunistic infections, as well as outpatient-based care of persons living with HIV. During his career, Maximillian has worked at hospitals across London, including University College Hospital, Charing Cross Hospital and Barts Health NHS Trust, both in patient-facing and research roles.
Maximillian completed his degree in Infection and Immunity at Imperial College and then went on to carry out a Wellcome-funded PhD in viral immunology at Imperial College London, involving conceiving, designing, and executing a novel human viral challenge study using respiratory syncytial virus. This study was the first of its kind involving viral challenge in non-immunologically selected subjects using a minimally-passaged virulent challenge virus produced in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice.
Despite working full-time in the NHS, Maximillian continues to collaborate with academic colleagues and contribute to research.