South West London Pathology Histopathologist Dr Lorrette Ffolkes is introducing a series of lunchtime talks aimed at looking at specific cases, following a sample from receipt in the laboratory to examination by a pathologist, and looking at where things may have gone wrong and where improvements can be made. The sessions are for all staff in Cellular Pathology, from biomedical support workers to pathologists.
Dr Ffolkes was introduced to the idea of these sessions when she visited a pathology conference in America recently. She attended a session held by a pathologist who discussed the Mortality and Morbidity, or M&M, rounds held in her department, which were an excellent quality-management tool and brought the whole department together, which doesn’t often happen.
The first session, which was led by Dr Ffolkes, was held on Wednesday 1 May. The theme of the session was ‘What do you mean you’ve lost my specimen?’ and was attended by around 30 people from across Cellular Pathology. Dr Fflokes gave a short presentation and then the floor was open. There was a lively discussion in which staff from across the board participated and everyone who attended found the session very productive.

The sessions will be bi-monthly going forward and will be led by different staff from across Cellular Pathology.