Automated biochemistry
Our automated chemistry service has laboratories based at Croydon Hospital, Kingston Hospital and St George’s Hospital.
We offer a comprehensive range of automated biochemical tests, many of which are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Our routine tests include:
- bone profile
- glucose
- lipid profiles
- liver function tests
- thyroid function tests
- urea and electrolytes
Special chemistry
We also have a dedicated laboratory for the more specialised biochemistry tests. This includes:
- capillary electrophoresis for HbA1c
- mass spectrometry: for steroids, aldosterone and renin
- stone analysis
- high-performance liquid chromatography for Vitamin A&E and biological amines.
Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) alert system
In line with the national think kidneys acute kidney injury programme, led by NHS England, the Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) alert system is being rolled out to cover patients in the community.
The system will go live on 23 May.
Using a nationally developed algorithm, the alerts will be triggered by the South West London Pathology (SWLP) team at levels 1 – 3. Phone calls will be made for all level 2 or 3 alerts 24 hours a day, alerting you to any patient with acute kidney injury.
In addition, in line with the Royal College of Pathologists critical phoning guidelines, AKI alert level 1 on samples with a potassium of >6.0mmol/l will be phoned within 24 hours of the sample being analysed, but not overnight.
All AKI alerts will have an automated comment attached with guidance for follow up.
The AKI pathway with further guidance, developed by the SWL renal lead, along with the AKI SDEC pathway for reference are below.