Jamie Laughlin, Microbiology Discipline Manager, has just had an article printed in Patient Care about how rapid molecular testing machines are making their mark in the diagnostics lab. Patient Care – Stop the spread of sexually transmitted infections May 2015
News and events
Showcasing careers in science
enny Hersey, senior clinical scientist at our spoke site at Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, had a stand at the 12th Annual Schools Science Conference in April at Westminster University.
SWLP could be joining the world-leading 100,000 genomics project
The 100,000 Genomes Project is a three year, national project aiming to collect and decode 100,000 human genomes from NHS patients by 2017.
Science students test the labs at Croydon
In February, 30 GCSE science students accompanied by two lecturers from Sir Thomas More Catholic School, Purley visited SWLP’s labs at Croydon Hospital as part of their school science project.
The Ebola Crisis – one of our NHS volunteers is back!
Joshua Taylor, BMS in Microbiology, volunteered to work in Sierra Leone in response to the Ebola outbreak. Read more about his experience in Sierra Leone, West Africa.
SWLP professor wins international award
Professor Paul Collinson, Consultant Chemical Pathologists, has won the HyTest Cardiac Marker Award for those who have improved cardiac disease diagnosis over the last 20 years.
SWLP scientist wins Association for Clinical Biochemistry prize
Emma Ashley, Senior Clinical Scientist, has won the Association for Clinical Biochemistry annual members prize for her case presentation…..
Ebola crisis: SWLP staff join the NHS volunteers
SWLP staff have volunteered in response to the Ebola crisis in Sierra Leone.
Immunology workshop for GPs
South West London Pathology’s latest GP event was a workshop for GP registrars and trainee GPs in Bromley which was led by Dr Joanna Sheldon, SWLP’s Clinical Lead for Immunology….